Ezhuvanthala is in Nellaya Panchayat. There are a lot of things to say about our village. One of those is about ‘Peruvazhippura’. It is under a big banyantree. There is a cot and a thing which is used to place luggage (Athani) , both made of stones. It is a place for take rest for the people who travel long distances by walk. So the peruvazhippura had got its name. People who were tired by journey was get drinking water from there. So people used to call it as ‘Thanneer Panthal’. So people can take rest in the and drink water Peruvazhippura from “Thaneerpanthal’ . But now, people travel by vehicles and nobody take rest in the Peruvazhipura. And it became a story. Although it was usual in olden days, now it became a rare thing. Eventhough, this Peruvazhipura is maintaining without any damage. Ref: http://eeamlpschool.org